Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Episode 52 - only one of us is craving lamb's fry

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Jason is knee deep in study - it's a shame he can't just submit blog posts or recipes for assignments, and we both talk food, podcasts and books. Only one of us is craving lamb's fry - guess who?

You can't be sure where the conversation will go, but there will always be refreshments Provided.

iTunes Button (via NiftyButtons.com)

Carly's panel with Michelle Law at ACMI

Homecoming Queens

Comedy Festival shows






Urzila Carlson on ABC Conversations

Robert Lukins on ABC Conversations

The Everlasting Sunday by Robert Lukins

The Trauma Cleaner by Sarah Krasnostein

Butcher's Diner

Chicken gravy dish

Tenderising chicken with baking soda

Refreshment was a sourdough pretzel from The Village Baker

May Bookclub - Eurovision books

Our next book club is a Eurovision book - your choice!

Some suggestions (affiliate links)

The Good, the Bad and the Wurst: The 100 Craziest Moments from the Eurovision Song Contest by Geoff Tibballs

Space Opera Catherynne M. Valente

Being Conchita: We are Unstoppable by Conchita Wurst

Three Minutes of Eternity: A Uniquely Staged Adventure, Based on Real Events of the Famous Song Contest by Alon Amir

Somewhere in Europe - Week One by Nikke Allen

Somewhere in Europe - Week Two by Nikke Allen

You can also search for some of these books on Audible.